Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day Three: Seeing the Sights -- for a Price

On the third day, I rested.
Yeah, right. Like rest is easy to come by when you're adventuring. Not that it's a bad thing; besides, I get plenty of that at home. Now was not the time.

Failing miserably at my attempt to grab those five flame fruit (and encountering a mummy in the process!), my next challenge was to map out five Egyptian landmarks. I said, okay, piece of cake. I can do that.

Of course, with these things there's usually a catch. And there was. They were strung out all over the desert, and I had to do them in a specific order. Which meant that even though there were 2 right next to each other, I had to go to another one across the desert before getting to that one.

These were all awesome structures, such as the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. But I think I was most enchanted by the Ruins of Karnak.

I stood there amidst their beauty and grandeur, contemplating on where I'd been and where I was going. Adventuring is a lonely life, but ironically it is a life I seem uniquely suited for. I'm not entirely sure why this is. When it was me and the desert, I was the happiest girl in the world.
I am fully capable of going days without talking to a living soul -- I suppose it's an inherited trait of Plumb women, Aunt Margaret was like this as well. I suppose that's why she and I got along so well; in many ways we were kindred spirits. That probably explains why I feel her loss so keenly. I think she would have enjoyed Egypt.

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