Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oh, one more thing…


While I was in China one more thing happened. 

Yes, that is a ghost.  The ghost of an old woman who died at the Martial Arts Academy.  I noted the ghost while I was learning martial arts for my latest quest. 


The ghost had managed to spook everything and everyone in sight. 



One poor lady was practicing when she saw the board breaker move and just passed out. 



The ghost worked out alongside other students…


…and in easily one of the strangest twists I’d ever seen, even took a shower afterwards.


“Someone, do something, please!” one lady screamed.  So, I had to do something.


I ended up having to bring the tombstone to the mausoleum because everyone else was too spooked to even deal with the ghost. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Writings of Qin Shan Hu


The first room I walked into looked like it was a huge stadium where fighters learned their craft. 


I spotted a hole in the wall, which curiosity told me to dig through. 



After I unlocked a switch and pulled a statue…



I opened the gate which the switch unlocked.


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That led to a floor that was yet another level beneath the surface. 



I found this dive well, which I explored.  I found nothing of significance in it, though I did find it useful for one other thing...



…keeping myself from getting burned from a series of fire traps leading to the chest where Qin Shan Hu’s papers were kept. 






With the papers in my backpack, I hopped on my scooter and returned to the Forbidden City. 



“I have no more to teach you, you have passed all the tests that I have required of you.  You have proven yourself a worthy student.”

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Unfinished Business


As the river runs in Shang Simla, so too are the days of my life.

Seriously, I’m in China now, this time taking care of some unfinished business.

I made myself a vow that I would return to China to locate the writings of Qin Shan Hu.  A lot of things have happened between now and then, but now I am holding up my end of the bargain and am in search of Qin’s ancient Mandarin writings. 


Andy is here too.  For those of you not reading my other blog, Just Plumb Nuts, he’s my fiancĂ©.  We met in high school but didn’t start dating until we were both young adults.  He’s in heaven because of all the new types of fish he’s catching.  I do think he’s getting a little bit homesick though. 


It was about six-thirty their time when I arrived at the retreat.  I spotted a floor switch, which revealed a flight of stairs leading to some basement.  


Down in the basement I found a pile of rubble that needed to be cleared.


There was a mysterious looking switch… so I dug my hand in the hole and a hidden door opened up to my left. 


There was nothing behind the door but a chest with two ceramic Chinese bowls.  Guess they’re wedding presents from the gods, eh? 


After grabbing the bowls I took out the keystone which would let me inside the tomb, and fit it in the key hole. 


Wish me luck, I’m going in. 

Later, Savannah